As a new institution, we have financial needs associated with our launch and development that can slow down our progress—your support will help us put the Marlboro Studio School on the map sooner.
We are opening our doors students from across the country, to share this incredible place with them. With your contributions we can continue to develop this type of workshop programming and extend our instructional season.
Your support actually makes all the difference to the Marlboro Studio School — thank you in advance for your belief in the value of our efforts.
The Marlboro Studio School accepts tax deductible donations through our 501c3 fiscal sponsor, the Marlboro Foundation.
To make an online donation, click below to proceed directly to their donation page (you will have a chance to earmark your donation for the Marlboro Studio School during checkout):
Donations can also be accepted in the form of checks.
Please indicate your donation is for the Marlboro Studio School on the “Note” line of your check. Checks may be made out to our 501c3 fiscal sponsor:
Marlboro Foundation
…and mailed to:
Marlboro Studio School
PO Box 28
Marlboro, VT 05344
Thank you!